Tom Herbert13 hours ago6 min readCan IPv6 Extension Headers be saved?Extension Headers pomise to bring flexibility and extensibility to IPv6-- we look at what can be done to realize their potential.
Tom HerbertNov 96 min readFirewall and Service Tickets (FAST)FAST is a form of Host-to-Network signaling that enables hosts and the network to work together to provide rich network services to apps
Tom HerbertNov 37 min readpvbufs: Hardware-friendly metadata structure for scatter-gather Packet IO Vectors, or pvbufs, are a super light weight, hardware-friendly, extensible data structure for representing scatter-gather data.
Tom HerbertOct 286 min readEpisode IV: A New Hope… for TCP Offload that is!We provide a new solution to the old problem of TCP Offload that's far more feasible and pragmatic than TCP Offload Engines of yesteryear!